Franziska Windisch Production Artist
Operating in both sound art and visual art, Franziska Windisch' work includes performance, text, composition and installation. She develops scores for performances and actions, that often address the notion of the trace, the medium, the finite and the unknown. Creating situations in which transformatory processes become tangible or setups with unpredictable or irreversible results are essential aspects of her artistic practice.
Overtoon (co)productions by Franziska Windisch
On Random Walks 2017Research projects
MarkingsOther productions
Sonata For 4 Cardinal PointsCharcoal CirclesPresentations by Franziska Windisch
Oscillation, festival, Q-O2, Brussels, Belgium, 2019TRACKS Audiowalks Brussels Launch, sound walk, Overtoon, Brussels, Belgium, 2021Où sont les sons? Where Are Sounds?, group show, CENTRALE for contemporary art, Brussels, BELGIUM, 2017Tuned City Messene 2018, festival, Tuned City, Messene, Greece, 2018