Aernoudt Jacobs Artist

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Overtoon (co)productions by Aernoudt Jacobs

Infraultra 2020
Contact 2020
Heliophone 2015
Induction Series #4.2 - Horseshoe 2015
Induction Series #4.3 - Tin Space 2015
Heliophone Drawings 2015
Color Of Noise 2015
The Photophon Principle 2014
Induction Series #4.1 - Beam 2014
Photophon 2013
Induction Series #3 2012
Sikuvalliajuq 2012
Induction Series #1 2012
Miniatuur 2011
Glaz-Maton 2011
Permafrost 2009
Phantom Melodies 2006
Leslie/History 2006

Research projects

PVDF piezo research

Other productions

The Art of Listening

Presentations by Aernoudt Jacobs

Heliofoon Symposium, symposium, STUK, Leuven, Belgium, 2015
WEATHER OR NOT, group show, MU Gallery, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2016
Sound in Visual Art - round table, symposium, CENTRALE for contemporary art, Brussels, Belgium, 2017
Glass and Concrete. Manifestations of the Impossible, group show, Marta Herford Museum for Art, Architecture, Design, Herford, Germany, 2020
Où sont les sons? Where Are Sounds?, group show, CENTRALE for contemporary art, Brussels, BELGIUM, 2017
Audiosphere. Sound Experimentation 1980-2020, group show, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, Spain, 2020
Once also this was a mutation, solo show, Kristiansand Kunsthal, Kristiansand, Norway, 2015
Sense Of Sound, group show, z33, Hasselt, Belgium, 2014
Overtoon, group show, iMal, Brussels, Belgium, 2013
λ, group show, Le bon Acceuil / Festival Maintenant, Rennes, France, 2015
Heliophone & Photoacoustic Prototypes, solo show, STUK, Leuven, Belgium, 2015
Kontinuum, group show, IM ERSTEN, Vienna, Austria, 2015
Open Atelier Overtoon, open studio, Overtoon, Brussels, Belgium, 2020
Animated Matter, special event, Q-O2 & Overtoon, Brussels, Belgium, 2020
Open House, open studio, Hacktiris, Brussels, Belgium, 2020