Maika Garnica Research Artist

Maika Garnica (1992) lives and works in Antwerp, Belgium.

"Central in Maika Garnica´s practice is the relationship between the environment, the spectator and the artist. She often applies prototypes to comprehend the complex relation between form and matter while instigating the position of the body as a vehicle for social connections. Through various contextual variations the nature of the work shifts spontaneously from sculptures, utilitarian objects to sound installations."

Pieternel Vermoortel, curator

Other productions

Hemispheric Ground
Growlers, Cracklers & Bursters, group show, CIAP, Hasselt, Belgium, 2019
Hear Here 2022 Live: Vica Pacheco / Maika Garnica + Nico Dockx, concert, Cas-co, Leuven, Belgium, 2022
BEYOND MUSIC #3, special event, STUK, Leuven, Belgium, 2019
OORtreders Festival 2018, festival, Musica, Neerpelt, Belgium, 2018