Induction Series #4.1 - Beam Aernoudt Jacobs 2014

The Induction Series reviews and re-interprets the laws of electromagnetic induction to make sounds. The series uses a combination of everyday objects, magnets and coils to generate electromagnetic charges. At the same time it explores how sound is created from the generate charge which can resonate in these objects. The floating structure of tin boxes is kept together by strong magnets that create a permanent magnetic field at the same time. Electromagnetic coils move the structure, creating light vibrations that produce sound. The vibrations are amplified acoustically by natural resonances which transform the tin boxes into sound boxes. This way the work emphasizes the transition between what can be seen and what can be heard.

Installation 2014 Concept : Aernoudt Jacobs Production : Z33 and OVERTOON Pictures : Kristof Vranken, Laure-Anne Jacobs With the support of the Flemish Community Commission (VGC), Flemish Community

Productions by Aernoudt Jacobs

The Photophon Principle
Induction Series #4.2 - Horseshoe
Induction Series #4.1 - Beam
Induction Series #4.3 - Tin Space
Heliophone Drawings
Color Of Noise
Induction Series #1
Phantom Melodies
Induction Series #3