Cell Christoph De Boeck 2012

Cell represents a focal point for low-frequency acoustic waves which arise on the site of the exhibition. These vibrations are picked up by wireless sensors in black boxes distributed over the building. A steel cylinder volume receives those vibrations and amplifies the low frequencies across its inner surfaces. It offers a private listening space and acts as a focus point of contact events between bodies and architecture.

As soon as vibrations resonate with the steel they are registered and stored. The events are constantly repeated and gradually raised in tone. When the low frequencies have lost all of their resonant materiality they leave the steel sculpture’s memory as high-frequency remainders and evaporate into thin air.

Produced by Superbodies Triennial Hasselt and Deepblue

Productions by Christoph De Boeck

Punctuation #1
Plant Condition
Language I
Time Code Matter
Black Box
Hortus Sonoris
Floating Beam
Punctuation #2