Time Code Matter Christoph De Boeck 2007

Twelve steel sheets are suspended to form a circle. They vibrate softly when low frequency sound waves pass through the steel plates equipped with transducers. Every object has a different mass and hence produces a slightly different tone colour. From the sum of all these resonances a fundamental tone arises which is suggestive of the weight of the objects and of their inevitable presence within the space.

The monumental arrangement combines with the ritualistic soundspace in order to unfold matter into a visual and a sonic domain. In the centre of this acoustic arena all objects are fusing into one sound sculpture.

When visitors approach objects too closely, the signal amplitude rises and acoustic energy will be converted into kinetic energy as the object starts shaking.

Sponsored by Espeel Constructions. Coproduction by Happy New Ears Kortrijk

Productions by Christoph De Boeck

Language I
Time Code Matter
Black Box
Hortus Sonoris
Floating Beam
Punctuation #2
Punctuation #1
Plant Condition