Caleidosoon  Suzanne Groothuis Mar 2016 -

Since childhood Suzanne Groothuis has always been fascinated by how different people can experience the same thing in many different ways. This subject is one of the main lines in her work and manifests itself in many different shapes and forms. As part of this fascination she has been experimenting with tools like periscopes, taleidoscopes and kaleidoscopes.

When, in 2014, Suzanne discovered a new interest in the use of sound, it made her ask the following question: Is it possible to execute the concept of a kaleidoscope, that gives a visual distortion, but by using sound instead of image? Is it possible to make a 'Caleidosoon' ?

During the residence at Overtoon Suzanne will research how to record the sound of a happening so it can be used in creating the Caleidosoon, an installation where a spectator can view footage of the recorded happening while, in the same time, is able to mix up the sound of this happening in a kaleidoscopic way.

The underlying question that Suzanne is trying to answer trough this research is: If a spectator can actively mix up sound that accompanies visuals of a recorded happening into a kaleidoscopic mix, to which extent does this then change his/her experience of this happening?

Research projects by Suzanne Groothuis
