Black Box Christoph De Boeck 2014

Black Box is a wooden object with a cut-out in its base made to fit your head. The object becomes an interface: eight contact points transfer audio onto your skull. You will hear how the space surrounding you invades your head even when you cover your ears. Gradually all concrete aspects are removed until all that is left is a click that dances across the inner side of your skull.

The work can be situated in De Boeck’s ongoing exploration of sound as a manifestation of energy, whether it travels through air or through solids. It definitely is the most intimate of sound spaces, after a series of large-scale work over the period 2005-2012.

Black Box is co-produced by z33, Hasselt for the 2014 Overtoon exhibition.

Productions by Christoph De Boeck

Punctuation #2
Punctuation #1
Plant Condition
Language I
Time Code Matter
Black Box
Hortus Sonoris
Floating Beam