Yannick Guédon Production Artist
Yannick Guédon is a French born composer, singer and performance artist. His work focuses on
tiny variations of timbres, the inner pulsation sensations and subjective notions of time, silence
and error. He pays particular attention to the place and context in which each musical situation
is displayed.
In recent years he has performed with/for the following sound artists, musicians, composers,
ensembles and choreographers among others : Varinia Canto Vila, ensemble Dedalus, Mattieu
Delaunay, Aernoudt Jacobs, Catherine Lamb, collectif Muzzix, Laurent Pichaud, éliane Radigue,
Carol Robinson, Sébastien Roux, Marc Sabat.
Overtoon (co)productions by Yannick Guédon
Tracks - Un champ - au milieu 2021Presentations by Yannick Guédon
TRACKS Audiowalks Brussels Launch, sound walk, Overtoon, Brussels, Belgium, 2021Oscillation Festival 2021, festival, Q-O2, Brussels, Belgium, 2021